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Analyzing and redefining the Life Plan

Analyzing and redefining the Life Plan

As with most engineers, I’m a very structured person. I like to have control of my life, having clear goals and working for them. Also, many years ago I created my Life Plan, where I set my main goals for the future. I love my life plan and I recommend other people to create one, whether or not they are entrepreneurs. In my case, my life plan brings sense and coherence to my life, making me work hard for what I love and showing me how what I have to do next.

What entrepreneurs have to learn about the life plan, is that entrepreneurships are only vehicles that are taking you on the path towards your goals. In this sense, an entrepreneurship many times is something temporal and you have to learn to deal with this. Also, the goals in the life plan should be the most important thing in you life, and this includes money, work and other goals, such as creating a family and finding your life partner.

I hope you already have set your life plan, if not it’s the perfect time to do it (and it will never be too late). Keep in mind that the main idea behind the life plan is to set forward the goals, not the road you’ll use to achieve it. This second part is also important, however the road will probably have many changes throughout the years. What is certain and known today, might not be tomorrow.

After you set the goals, it’s important to analyze them, change them if you want and make them whatever you want from life. Every couple of months I take a pause to think about my life plan, looking if it still makes sense for me and if what I’m doing in my everyday life are helping me to achieve these goals. So far I haven’t had to make a change in the essence of my life plan, however I’ve added elements that previously were not that important.

Some people when they analyze their goals might decide to change them. This is valid, especially If you have conquered your goals.

I invite you to perform this enriching exercise every few months. In my case, I try to do it every 2 to 4 months. This gives me a new perspective of what I want and I can find ways to do things better. Also it keeps me motivated, as I can see what I’ve done and where I am. A negative person might see the glass half empty, where there is still too much to do and work for. In my case, I’m a positive person and I see how much I’ve traveled and all the milestones I’ve achieved.

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