This is the last article we are going to publish in 2015 at An Entrepreneur Blog and although Christmas, other holidays and New Year are a couple weeks away, we want to give our best wishes to all our readers in advance. We hope that this year, besides normal problems, was a great one and that many happy things happen to you and all your projects. Plus, that 2016 will surely be much better and we hope our readers will accomplish all their goals in the upcoming year.
In our case, this was a great year. Our consulting firm changed name, from 360° Consulting to Innovintergy Consulting. This change was the result of several considerations, being one of them that in 2015 we started our international expansion and this name is precisely, more “international”. For your information, Innovintergy comes from the words INNOVation, INTERnet, StrateGY and TechnoloGY. We also use the short abbreviation I2.GY.
This year at Innovintergy Consulting, which is our largest business unit (An Entrepreneur Blog is the corporate Blog of Innovintergy Consulting), we had a year with many new clients, great projects and also, many new business contacts. This was a great year we won’t forget, but I’m sure, next year will be much better.
This year we also re-launched a Spanish speaking project, called Aceleració (Acceleration). This year, Aceleració turned into the name of our Spanish newsletter, for the Spanish version of An Entrepreneur Blog (Blog Un Emprendedor), Innovintergy Consulting and our Video Blog Tecno Gerente. Tecno Gerente is in it’s second year, where we transmit a live feed most Mondays at 7:00 pm Colombia time. We talked about many management and technology related topics as well as having especial guests.
Finally, a good news (but maybe bad for her fans), my sister, business partner and blogger, María Fernanda gets marry this month. We wish her the best of luck and she’ll be back here early next year.
I’m sure 2016 will be a great year, for our readers and for us. We’ll see you here next year after a well earned break, parties and I hope some reflection. Happy holidays!
Image taken from