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Mistakes we sometimes make as bosses (Not listening to our work team)


With this new post I will continue talking about mistakes bosses frequently make. Before you continue reading I invite you to read my last posts in which I wrote about some other bosses’ common mistakes: mistaken ways to correct their employees, not being able to delegate and having essential people in their team.

Now let’s continue. Other common mistakes bosses make is not listening to their work team. It is true that if you are the boss it might be because you have some characteristics other people in your team don’t have, such as specific knowledge and experience.

However this doesn’t mean that the rest of your team doesn’t have other traits that are equally important. Even if we are talking about a team in which their education level is low, they have other characteristics such as being in the day-to-day operation of the business.

This is the reason why I recommend every boss to open communication spaces with their work team. Maybe we cannot take into account every single suggestion, but it generates great results principally for two reasons. The first one is that as bosses we will understand what our team thinks, what do they need and how do they think problems can be resolved. The second reason is that more than our workers, we are talking about people that need to be listened. As I mention if it is not possible to implement their suggestion we should try to explain why. It is better to have an honest relation with all our workers.

Additionally to every point I have just explained, I think that there doesn’t exist any conversation in which we cannot take something good from it. That’s the reason why we should open these types of spaces and teach our people that they shouldn’t be afraid to talk to us.

On my next post I will bring other common mistake bosses make. Wait for it next week.

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