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Practice makes the master

Practice makes the master

There is one thing that everyone shares with each other in this life: mistakes. Everyday, with frequency, we make mistakes and there isn’t anyone that can say he or she is perfect. However, most of us have been taught to avoid mistakes, minimizing them and almost condemning them. So I ask myself if this should be done this way?

In several post here at An Entrepreneur Blog I’ve shared my personal story and how I became broke at the age of 27 with one of my earlier ventures. This was clearly a mistake, or even better, a sum of many mistakes that lead to this situation. Today, almost 6 years later I might be able to analyze this situations as one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made and as a situation I don’t ever want to repeat. And the fact is that I don’t want to repeat this situation and I wish no one else goes through these events. However this was something greater than a mistake, because it has taught me many things and I’m a better person and professional thanks to it.

Several years ago I ran into a phrase that I love and that summarizes what I’ve been through. I have no idea who is the author of this phrase, but anyway, it says: “the sooner you fail, the sooner you will succeed”. In my case it is so clear that I had to fail in order to be successful. Although I’m still starting my entrepreneur road and many things still lie ahead, I know in my heart I will succeed. Plus, I love what I’m doing today and I would probably have not found this road if I hadn’t failed earlier.

As I said before, I wish no one had to ever overcome a difficult situation as failing in a business, but the fact is that this mistakes can make us better people. If I hadn’t experienced this situation and everything was easy, I’m sure I would be the person I am now, from a personal to a professional level. I might be successful in other ways, but I wouldn’t be as happy and doing what I really love, which came to me almost as an accident. As we don’t come to this world with all the knowledge we require, we have to make mistakes. As the tittle of this article says, practice makes the master.

So if you’re an entrepreneur, a worker, have a project in mind or anything else, don’t fear mistakes. Try to exceed, but if you make mistakes, learn from them. And when you do make mistakes, learn fast from them.

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