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Striking the Balance in Life

Striking the Balance in Life

It is said that people who where born under the zodiac sign of Libra, have an intrinsic need to have balance in their life. This is true for me, however I believe this transcends any given zodiac sign. Life is wonderful, full or choices and possibilities and we’re here to make the most out of it. For instance, not everything can be work, but also not everything can be leisure. We have to find a perfect equilibrium in our lives.

Those of us who have sought the entrepreneur road are faced with this challenge. Entrepreneurship is a great road, however many see it as work and more work. Although this can be true at times, mainly when you begin a new entrepreneurship, we have to make this a temporal situation. This road can lead us to what we understand as richness and wealth, but we might be achieving the exact opposite.

Many experts talk about wealth and richness and what we think about these words. For instance, most people that grew up in western capitalistic societies associate money with these words. This is not untrue, however I firmly believe this is just part of the equation. It’s impossible to be rich and wealthy if you’re unhappy, if you don’t have a nice family or if you don’t do whatever makes you happy. This is why balance is so important in life, whatever is your job or your entrepreneurship.

If you are building an entrepreneurship or are currently making it work, remember these ideas. A successful person has equilibrium and takes advantage of the different aspects of life. Money is an important part of this, but for many people this is not the most important thing. If you have other things, such as a good family, a great couple, travel often and do what you like to do, work will become a secondary need.

Don’t get me wrong. Work is very important, but having the best job in the world and not having anything else in your life, is like having nothing at all. You need to find the perfect equilibrium between your job, your family, your love ones and leisure. And many times this is not as easy as it sounds.

Whatever is your current life plan please take this into account. Work and strive to make this a reality. Make it the way you always wanted, so the day you’re on your deathbed you have no regrets. If you have any regrets today, it’s not too late to make changes.

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