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Taking a Break

Taking a Break

First of all, let me start by apologizing to my readers. The last couple of weeks I’ve been unable to update this Blog with the frequency I like (2-3 times a week). The fact is that my entrepreneur work as a consultant In Technology, Internet and Innovation Strategy has taken up a lot of my time. For me this is excellent news, because my skills are been asked for and all my hard work is paying off. The bad news is that this situation has made me reduce the time I can spend writing for this Blog.

Tomorrow I’ll be taking a short one week vacation, time take I have to manage to rest and come back with a new spirit. When I come back I have a lot of work, but somehow I’ll make it so I have time to keep on writing this Blog. I appreciate your time and understanding and I promise I’ll come back with new and exciting articles.

Before I end this article, I just wanted to remind my readers and fellow entrepreneurs about the importance of taking a break once in a while. It can be in the form of vacation or just taking some minutes off to think about other things. Life is all about balance, and you have to have it in the form of work, mental health, love and everything else. So if it has been a long time since you have taken a break, do it right now, don’t wait anymore.

Image taken from

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