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Today we Launch

Today we Launch

For the year 2013, my sister and myself decided to do a change in the Strategy we were developing on our business and our online presence. Until yesterday we were working on An Entrepreneur Blog (Spanish and English versions) and our consulting firm, 360° Consulting. As part of a strategic move, we decided that we wanted to increase our online presence, through new properties and increasing presence on the ones we already had. is the first launch for 2013, consisting of a Spanish Blog for travelers to Florida. You might think that this type of website is very different from what we’ve been doing, but let me tell it’s the opposite. This is a well thought move and I’ll explain in a second why this make sense and will generate more exposure to our other properties. I explain this, because I know there are several entrepreneurs out there that can learn of this strategy.

When 2013 started, we set forward the goal of creating more revenue streams, but centered on our competitive advantage. Since for the past years we had been doing consulting on Innovation, Technology and Internet Strategy on the one hand, and on the other talking about entrepreneurship, we wanted to do something related to theses topics. So a Blog fits this perfectly, as long as its new a bring value to our firm. In other words, we had been preaching about this subjects but it had been a long time since we actually took our own advice. It was time we started acting, not only preaching.

There were some additional requirements. First, we knew we had to invest money, but at the time being, we don’t have the time for a full-blown million-dollar project. We didn’t have the money or the time to seek for investors. Maybe at a later time, when our projects prove themselves to be worth this money, we’ll look for investors. The second condition is that these projects had to work side-by-side with our current entrepreneurships. Any new project requires additional time and efforts, but this had to be a small percentage of our time.

And last, these projects had to be built around our current knowledge. For, we have been traveling frequently for vacations to this state in the past years, so we had built a lot of knowledge.

So that’s the story. Throughout this year we will be launching additional platforms and sites, so please keep tuned in for further developments. Also, please share your comments, visions, projects and more with us, it will be great to hear back from you.

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