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Top SEO Trends in 2020

Google has changed completely the path of SEO and now, SEO is more specific and more accurate. Most, people think that is SEO is dead? My answer is No, SEO is not dead. It’s more specific and YUMMIER then before.SEO helps the site to increase the traffic and increase the sale of the company. More traffic mean that more people will come and see your site. OF-COURSE it will increase the sale of the company.

In 2020 Google has launched PENGUINE 4.0. Google has create a machine which is called a “Machine learning Artificial Intelligence” which is also known as “RANKBRAIN”.


What is “RANKBRAIN”?

How “RANKBRAIN” is worked in search engine?

What is “RANKBRAIN”?

Rank Brain is an artificial intelligence (AI) program used to help process Google search queries.RankBrain uses artificial intelligence to embed vast amounts of written language into mathematical entities, called vectors that the computer can understand.

How “RANKBRAIN” is worked in search engine?

“RANKBRAIN” watches the search and what the user click with that search and look the internal search termination.

For example, if anyone searches in Google and he/she return to the Google that means he/she don’t get the desire information. It is also known as traffic bounce back. If anyone search and after that he goes to the 1,2 or 3 pages and open another tap in browser and search another topic it means that he or she is satisfied what the information they are looking for. It is also known as “Successful” search.

Approximation (Increase Accuracy)!!

Frist of all when a user searches in Google, the “RANKBRAIN” thinking that what the search means?

Then, what the user want?

Finally why these searches have been created?

Perfect matric to tell the Google what the user wants from the Google.

For Example, if any one search car and two websites come out.

  1. Car and another
  2. Used cars.

If viewers click on used cars most then search engine automatically change the database and then used cars will come first and the cars will be the second. IN 2020 it will be the great influence in the ranking factors in Google.

“RANKBRAIN” is more powerful than ever in 2017. “RANKBRAIN” is concentrate on content. Click and content only boosting the ranking.

Optimizing for “RANKBRAIN”: User Searches/Click

Google Always tell that search for your brand or services or product.

For example, Macdonat. People are searching Macdonat and order for the food they want and it increase the ranking automatically to the Macdonat site. These are the 2020 SEO trend.

Make sure you have at-least 60% of CTR on brand searches (if don’t check SERP to see why not)

For example If a brand has only 3% of searching then look clearly and properly to that site to see is there any rules has been violated, which has been provided by Google terms Policy.

Make sure that what visitor needed it has to be there. If not within vary short time you will be completely out of traffic. Because then visitor will be bounce back to Google and they will be dissatisfied. In site loading speed will be fast, picture will be vary responsible and the content will be there what they needed and you will be different from others and more informative.


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