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Ways to be known and visible 8 – Being part of Business Associations

Ways to be known and visible 8 – Being part of Business Associations

Being part of associations that gather companies are an excellent way of being known. This can work for both employees and entrepreneurs and it’s a short route to accomplish a high status and the the visibility we’re looking for in this series of articles.

With associations there is a particular elements and its that with them you can make those characteristics you’re an expert in, well known. For instance, in associations that deal with specific topics (such as marketing, technology, engineering, architecture, etc.), you can shine as someone with specific knowledge on these areas. In other associations where they deal with general companies (such as big companies, financial sector and more), you can also apply your knowledge but in a different way.

In my experience, I’ve seen these associations look for experts that can talk or write about a specific topic. In the case of public speaking, usually the association is looking to talk to their members or to an external audience that has interest in that topic. Either way, it is an excellent alternative of being known and positioned as an expert.

In my personal case I joined 5 years ago the most important association that brings together the industries related to ecommerce in Colombia. When I joined the association, it was small and quite new. Back then they wanted to give lectures and didn’t have too many people to help them with this. I had this golden opportunity which I took and I was able to show off my knowledge.

With time you will have different scenarios to show what you know in the association and you’ll find spots to show this. Plus, business associations usually have working commissions where you can be known and raise your hand to be heard.

I invite you to analyze the possibility of joining an association or a local chapter of it, after analyzing those that are of your interest. Joining the association might have a cost, but if you play your cards well, this will be a great investment for you.

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