I have a small list (the short version of my large list) that sums up the reasons I have for taking the plunge of Entrepreneurship. I’m sure other entrepreneurs have their own list that is surely more complete than mine. However for the time being, I’m sharing my small list with my readers. If you want to add your own points, please feel free to do so at the end of the article, on the Comments section.
Here is part of my list, at least the most important items that comprise it and the aspects that bring me over and over again to continue on the entrepreneur road:
– Independency
– Personal Growth
– Flexible Hours
– Future
– High Income
– Change the World
– Help other people
– Meet people
– Travel Opportunities
– Knowledge Creation
– Share Knowledge
– Early Retirement
– Tranquility
– Life Plan
– Wit
As I’ve already said, this is a partial list. With time, this list expands and some items might be redefined. In subsequent articles I’ll also address each of this issue, so please come back for further information.
P.S.: Please remember to add you own items to this list at the end of the article on the Comments section.
Image taken from Flickr.com