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Secrets for Selling III – Experience

Secrets for Selling III – Experience

Today I continue with the third installment of this series that talks about the secrets of becoming a good seller. The topic I bring today is included someway in the elements I talked about in the previous two articles: security and knowledge. These two elements include the third element I introduce in the current article: experience.

Selling is a process that as with almost every thing in life, it takes time to master it. Some people for many reasons have a greater success in selling than others do. However in an Entrepreneur Blog we firmly believe that anyone can become the best salesman in the world, with the proper training and tools. This will require time, practice and of course, experience.

As I mentioned in an earlier article, 10 years ago I wouldn’t had imagine myself as a salesman. However I understood that if I wanted to reach all my dreams and goals, I had to become quite a good salesman. When I first tried to sell my products, the results where bad. I felt awkward, out of place and of my comfort zone. But this didn’t make me quit; actually it was the exact opposite, as I wanted to prove myself wrong and that I could make a sale. This took some time, practice and experience and eventually I made my first sale.

After almost 8 years, with several interruptions, I can say I’m a better salesman. I’m not the best, but I’m working hard everyday to make this a reality.

When I start a new sales process, I believe the most important thing is not the outcome of the sale, but what I can learn from each one. With time I saw and learned that for every 10 sales leads I had, one will become a client. I’ve tried to reduce this ratio, but sometimes I’ve had one sale for every 20 o 30 leads. However this is fine with me, because as I’ve said before, the main objective is to become better at the selling process. No two sales processes are the same, so by learning I become a better salesman.

If you think you’re a lousy salesman, as I did 10 years ago, I can’t convince you right now that you’re wrong. What I can tell you is that if you don’t take chances, try it, even make a fool out of yourself, this will never change. To become good at selling you have to experience it and learn from your mistakes. As long as you are in your couch or chair and don’t experience the sales process, this will be your reality. If you try it, make mistakes and learn, one day you’ll be asking yourself why you didn’t start earlier.

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