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Telecommuting advantages for your company (part 3)


In this series of posts I have brought a subject that many companies have implemented acquiring many benefits: Telecommuting. In the firs part of the series I introduced the subject and in the second part I presented two of the benefits: personal retention and possibility to hire the best human talent. In this post I will introduce other of the benefits that telecommuting brings to the companies that introduce this new form of working.

Productivity Increase

The companies that have introduced telecommuting as an option for working have discovered that it is possible to increase the productivity of their employees. The reason why this happens is based on two subjects. The first is that as employees don’t have to fulfill work schedules but tasks, employees organize their time and work at hours in which they feel more comfortable and are much more productive, accomplishing better results. The second subject is that it has been proven that when telecommuting is implemented as a benefit for employees, their performance increases. Employees know the company has implemented this new way of working to help them and they respond in a very positive way to this change.


Travel times decrease

At first we can think of this benefit only as a good thing for our workers and not for the company. However sometimes our workers live far away from the company facilities, and they are forced to leave the office before they want or should do it because they need to arrive at a good time to their home. In addition to this, in cities that have security problems, employees cannot leave the office at late hours because they can be exposed to thefts and other situations. Therefore when telecommuting is implemented employees stop having this issue as a problem because they don’t have to travel anywhere. Thus the company has additional hours where employees work, which they didn’t had before.


On my next post I will introduce more benefits that companies have with this new way of working.


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