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Tips for better e-mail marketing campaigns (part 3)


In this series, I am sharing with the readers of An Entrepreneur Blog some elements that are essential in order to have excellent results with our e-mail marketing campaigns. Being successful in this task is not easy but if we have into account some basic elements we will be able to obtain a good opening and click rate on our mails. Before I get into the subject of this post I recommend you to read the fist two parts of this series where I wrote about database from scratch and respecting our clients.

Considering the last two subjects, we can get into the theme of this post: tests. Remember that in Internet there are no absolute truths. What may be successful for a company in Internet might be a complete failure for another company. In other words Internet does not have magical formulas for success, and this also applies for e-mail marketing campaigns. This is the reason why we must try different things and make tests in order to learn what to include in our strategy.

In my last post I wrote about the importance of having policies in the type of content we are going to send to our databases. However this does not means that we cannot test certain types of contents as long as we don’t ignore the policies and always thinking in respecting our users. In this way it is very important to send different types of content and evaluate the answer of our users to each type of subjects.

Other test we might try is sending our newsletters on different schedules. As I wrote on my last post, it is true that we must respect the frequency with which we will send our mails, but we might try different hours to see when are our users opening more our newsletters.

According to my last two paragraphs, I recommend to try A/B Tests in order to learn which schedules and contents are working more. In order to do this we should send a type of content to a group of users on our database and another type of content to the rest of the list, or just send the same content in different schedules. Then we should analyze which of the mails had a better opening and click rate. Even though I just only wrote of making tests with content and schedules you might also try with other variables such as pictures, colors or whatever you think it is important to test.

To analyze these tests it is very important to have metrics, however this will be the subject of my next post. Expect it soon.

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