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Tips for better e-mail marketing campaigns (part 4)


This is the last post of these series of writings dedicated to e-mail marketing campaigns and the items that should be taken into account in order to be successful in this task. On the first three articles I wrote about some basic subjects that will help to have a better opening and click rate. Before you read this post it is important to remember the importance of creating mailing lists from scratch, respect for our users and policies on our campaigns and last but not least the importance of test making.

As I wrote on the last post of this series, in this last article I will write about metrics. Any strategy or tactic that you implement on your company must be subject of measurement in order to be able to know if it was effective and according to the results replicate it or change it. This must be done in the physical world but also in the virtual world. Today is more than a trend to see companies verifying their data in Internet such as traffic in their web pages, fans and mentions on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, just to mention few measurements.

E-mail marketing campaigns are not foreign to this reality. This is one of the reasons why email-marketing platforms are being used: we can obtain metrics. These platforms generally are free or cost few dollars a month, according to the number of mails monthly sent. Also I can say that with the paid service you can get some additional metrics but with the free one you will be able to know the basic ones. This is a great option for small companies that have a short mailing list. Among the basic metrics provided by these platforms we have number and percentage of mails opened, number and percentage of links clicked, number of people that unsubscribed, number of forwarded mails, among others.

Additional to the metrics provided by these platforms, it is also possible to measure some data inside our site. For example when we want people to take an action after they read our mail, we can send them to a specific landing page that will measure this action.

With the subject of this post and the last three you have enough information to start making excellent e-mail marketing campaigns, and with time you will learn and achieve better results.

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