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Ways to be known and visible 11 – Conclusions

Ways to be known and visible 11 – Conclusions In the last 3 months I’ve been writing this series, where my objective is to talk about the many benefits people can have when they are visible and known. Before I started the series, I wrote an article of the different reasons an entrepreneur can have for he or she to be known. There are many ways to be known and visible and this is something that will benefit both entrepreneurs and workers. In this series I’ve highlighted some of the key elements that I consider will work for this and that in my personal experience have paid off.

Today, as I end this series, I just want to say again that is is very important to be know and visible and that this can be accomplished in many ways. Many of the ways are simple and even free, although they might require some of your time and taking risks. Additionally, many of this strategies and tactics are complementary, so when you perform one, another one can have positive benefits.

For those who have read a couple of the articles or none at all, I want you to see the topics I wrote about. I hope you read them and analyze those that will work for you currently and in the future. The following is the complete list of articles in this series:

List of Post of Ways to be Known and Visible from An Entrepreneur Blog

I hope you enjoy reading these articles and you complement them with your own ideas and experiences. Here you won’t find a stablished route and the only route is the one you set up for yourself. If something works or you find something better, please share it with our readers in the commentaries section.

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