Steps for Becoming an Entrepreneur 1: Idea and the Calling

Steps for Becoming an Entrepreneur 1: Idea and the Calling

Today we start a new series at An Entrepreneur Blog. This is a very important topic, where we deal with the main steps that every entrepreneur has to encounter to create a new project. I hope you enjoy these articles, share them with friends and leave your comments.

For this first installment I will talk about the first step, which I have divided into two steps: the idea and “the Calling”. I will start talking about the second one, what I like to call the Calling. I believe most of us have on our mind, blood, body and DNA the calling of being an entrepreneur. We know that at some point on our life, we want to be entrepreneurs. Some of us find it earlier on our life, while others find it at a later time.

For instance, in my case, I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur back when I was in school and at an early age. At that moment, I had no idea how I was going to make it, but being an entrepreneur was always on my mind. Years later I had a first idea and with time I’ve had many other business ideas.

With the calling, comes the other step, the idea. Without the idea, companies and businesses are just not possible. However, people have ideas all the time and just a few of them become a reality. So it is not enough to have and idea, although this is the first step for this to become a reality.

For some people, the calling comes first and then the idea. For others, the idea comes first and then they discover their calling. Both ways are fine as long as they lead to the same result, which is creating an entrepreneur project. You can analyze how you create projects to see how this happens in your case.

In the following weeks I’ll be addressing other steps on how to become an entrepreneur. I hope you keep visiting us, reading our posts and sharing your thoughts. Until next time.

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