Launch of the Mailing List Aceleració

Launch of the Mailing List Aceleració A couple weeks ago I told my readers some of the new project we have at An Entrepreneur Blog and Inversiones Gómez Montes S.A.S. for the year 2015. One of the news I announced that day, is that we were going to launch a new mailing list, called Aceleració (Acceleration in English). Although this mailing list will be only in Spanish, you might be interested in joining it.

In the past we’ve had individual mailing list for An Entrepreneur Blog (an its Spanish version, Blog Un Emprendedor) and our consulting firm, Consultorías 360°. We decided to join their mailing lists, as the topics were quite similar. Plus, last year we decided that An Entrepreneur Blog should become the corporate Blog of 360° Consulting, so joining the list was the next natural step and something due to happen at any given time.

When the Spanish version of this Blog was launched some 6 years ago, one of the first things we did was create a Mailing List. Some months later we did the same for Consultorías 360°, Today we reach with our Spanish list, many user throughout Latin America and most countries with Spanish Speaking populations. With Aceleració we expect to increase our reach, providing our readers every week with top quality content.

Why Aceleració

When we decided to join the mailing lists of these two ventures, we knew we needed an interesting name. At that time, we had the domain name aceleració available, so taking this decision was quite simple.

The name Aceleració (acceleration) shows exactly what we want to achieve with this mailing list. The idea is that our readers reach higher levels on their Internet presence. However, we will deal with other topics, such as management, strategies, marketing (physical and digital), human resources, organizational change, technologies and much more.

Aceleració will be sent to all our readers every Thursday. The first issue was published on February 5. As an added innovation, one week my sister will be writing the list and the next week will be my turn. This way, the topics, angles and ideas will be different every week.

Subscribe to Aceleració and win a book

As part of our celebration for the launch of this new list, we are giving away to our users several copies of my book, Estrategias de Internet: Cómo destacarse y lograr el éxito. For the time being, the only requisite is being part of Aceleració In a couple weeks we will be sharing the other requisites, which will be quite easy to accomplish.

The easiest way be part of this campaign, is joining Aceleració in the homepage. We ask for a few details and then you’ll receive and email to confirm your subscription. This contest is open to everyone and there are no restrictions.

We hope you join us at Aceleració and take advantage of the material we share with you. If you have any questions or comments, please share them with us.

Image property of Aceleració

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