Learn about Technology on the Video Blog TecnoGerente

Learn about Technology on the Video Blog TecnoGerente

In mid 2014, this Blog and our consulting firm, 360° Consulting, launched a new project called TecnoGerente. In some ways, this new project if an extension of the Spanish version of An Entrepreneur Blog, and why not, the current version you’re reading. My main goal with this site (Video Blog), was to reach out to Managers, Presidents of companies and in general, top and middle management of all types of companies.

In general, with Tecno Gerente when we reached these audiences, we wanted to talk to them in a simple language about technologies, in two big levels. The first and main level was to transmit managers about current and important technologies that should be used by their companies. For instance, we might talk to them about social networks, websites, enterprise systems to manage clients and resources, among others. Plus, when we deal with all this topics we treat them as strategic technologies that have to produce savings and new sources of income.

The second item is using technologies for managers, but this time at a personal level. For example, we wanted to show managers the best new gadgets, including cellphones, tablets and wearables. These and other gadgets are used in the daily life of managers, so we wanted to show them how they could use them.

As I said at the beginning of the article, I started Tecno Gerente mid 2014. The idea at that time was to broadcast live every day, Monday thru Friday, except when I didn’t had time. Shortly after, I had to stop the project because of a lack of time. For 2015 my sister Maria Fernanda Gómez and myself decided it was time to take a new route and launch once again, TecnoGerente Video Blog.

The first change we introduced to TecnoGerente, was that we wanted to air live once a week, Mondays at 7:00 pm Colombian time. The transmission will go live via Google Hangouts and you’ll find a copy of the video at TecnoGerente’s website at www.tecnogerente.com. We will try to keep up with our schedule, except on Mondays that are holidays and when for unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel.

The second big change is that my sister will be part of the show. In the first few shows, I did it all: I was producer and host. Now she’ll be by my side posting on Social Networks and more. In some episodes, she will also be co-hosting with me.

When this article gets published, 3 shows of TecnoGerente will be online for 2015. Although the show is only in Spanish, you might enjoy it. Please check it out at TecnoGerente’s website.

We hope that you enjoy TecnoGerente. If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, they will always be welcome. We want to hear from you and we hope you become part of our community.

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