Starting 2013 with all the Energy and Great News

Starting 2013 with all the Energy and Great News

Let me start by wishing all my readers a happy new year (a little late, but better late than never). I hope this New Year fulfills all your wishes and brings success to your projects and jobs. For me this 2013 is crucial and will bring new projects, including several news for this Blog. The wish list is quite long, but I want to share with my readers a couple of them.

Before I start with the list, I must ask for forgiveness from all my readers. Last year I neglected a bit this Blog, as my day job required a lot of time and effort. I have made some changes in order to write more frequently on this Blog. This is one of my wished for the New Year and I hope I can keep this promise.

So starting today, my plan is to write more articles for this Blog and also the original Spanish version of my Blog. If you want me to write about a specific topic, please let me know at the bottom of this page. This year I will continue writing about entrepreneurship, marketing, Internet, strategies and much more.

A great piece of news I have for my readers is that my sister María Fernanda Gómez will be writing with me articles, so you can also read her take on all this subjects. She will also be helping me on other non-blog related projects.

On my day job as a consultant at 360° Consulting I will be broadcasting live with webinars, on subjects such as Internet Marketing, Technology Strategies and others. Initially these webinars will be in Spanish, but we are thinking in doing several in English come mid-year.

Last but no least, I’ve been writing a book on Internet and Strategy which is almost finished. Currently it’s only available on Spanish but I hope to translate it to English. More news on this book throughout the year.


Before I finish, I will like to learn what are your wishes for 2013? Please make your comments at the end of this article; it will be great to hear from you.

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